The New Jersey Hall of Fame (NJHOF) is proud to announce the renewal of the Areté Scholarship Fund, which awards $5,000 scholarships to two deserving NJ high school seniors to support them in the pursuit of their dreams.
More than 3,000 years ago in ancient Greece, the concept of Areté inspired individuals to pursue goodness and excellence and be the best version of themselves possible. Today, the NJHOF exists to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of Garden State citizens and encourage NJ residents to pursue their highest aspirations. Our inductees are role models for future generations as they show us by example how to overcome challenges and obstacles to rise to the top, offering hope to those facing their own struggles and to young people who dare to dream, despite adversity.
Successful applicants will embody the spirit of Areté, a sense of Jersey pride, and a willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. Further, they will distinguish themselves as New Jerseyans on their way to realizing their dreams by demonstrating academic engagement, moral character, and a commitment to their community.
Scholarship recipients do not have to be ranked at the top of their class (from a GPA standpoint) but should demonstrate a focus in school and life and have a well-thought-out plan on how they intend to achieve their Areté.
Scholarship applications are due on May 1, 2024. To access the scholarship application, visit
The New Jersey Hall of Fame celebrates the extraordinary accomplishments of Garden State citizens. The inductees have overcome challenges and obstacles to rise to the top of their chosen fields. They offer hope to those facing their own struggles and to young people who dare to dream, despite adversity. They instill a sense of pride in New Jerseyans who identify with their “can-do” attitudes and tenacity.
Click here for more information on how to apply: