Historical | Newark | Menlo Park | West Orange (1847-1931)
Named “Man of the Millennium” by Time Magazine, Thomas Alva Edison was probably more responsible than anyone for creating the modern world. In all of history there was never an innovator quite like him. Inventors create single products or processes but innovators do not change the world like he did with the phonograph … the first commercially practical incandescent bulb … the first electric company … the first motion pictures…the Dictaphone … the mimeograph…the storage battery … all of which contributed to his reputation as the Man of the Millennium. Living more than half a century in the Garden State, Thomas Edison was revered the world over. We are proud he chose New Jersey for his home and his Lab as the incubator for him becoming the Father of Modern Technology, Father of Research & Development, Father of Electricity and Father of innovation. “There’s a way to do it better.” he said. “Find it.” he certainly did that!